Only Eight Days Left in Jan 2017

Get on-track and reach your 2017 goals.   Only eight days left in January and only eight days remaining to take advantage of your special promotional price for my online course Reach Your Goals in 7 Simple Steps.  If you already have a written plan that is moving you closer towards your 2017 goals each day, […]

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Who’s in Charge?

Are you taking charge of your career advancement? Social media has become a convenient way to share Great information and ideas. So, for those of you who have not already connected with me on LinkedIn here is an example of what I post. Consider connecting with me to get regular tips and ideas on reaching your goals. Connect with […]

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Are Your Habits Helping or Hurting You?

“We are where we are in life because of the decisions we have made and the habits we follow. If we make different decisions and develop empowering habits, we will create a new life.”     It has been said, “we are creatures of habit” and I believe that is true. But most of the time, we don’t know what habits […]

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New Year – Same Old You?

Are your New Year Resolutions Ready for a New You? It’s that time of year again. When many of us think about how we will make changes in the new year. According to Static Brain Research Institute, the top three resolutions for 2015 were; 1. Lose Weight 2. Getting Organized 3. Spend less, Save More So, what […]

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Active Communication

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. –George Bernard Shaw  Do you remember the last important conversation you had?  Do you remember the topic and the main point of the conversation?  Do you know for sure that you got the point the other person was try to get […]

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What are you thankful for?

A quick note to say, thanks! As I reviewed the calendar today I realized that Thanksgiving Day is less than two weeks away. Wow! Many say that this officially brings us into the holiday season. It also reminds us that we are quickly moving towards the end of the year. Which is always a good time […]

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Success Habit Workshop Series

The Success Habit Secret Workshop Series Workshop 1: Making Success Your Habit: A Goal Setting – Goal Achievement Workshop With Edward Aldama, Life Coach and author of The Success Habit Secret *This is the foundation course.  Successfully reaching your goals can become a habit in life with a few simple steps. During this stimulating and interactive […]

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Are Your Summer Goals on Track?

Summer is winding down. Although, I’m sure for many it may not feel like it. Here in Phoenix Arizona monsoons and humidity mark the ending weeks. Soon the huge clouds and thunderstorms will give way to cooler weather and beautiful crisp nights filled with stars. The changing of seasons can also be a reminder to check the […]

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Mid-Year Goal Check

Middle of the year, already? Are your goals on track? The middle of the year is one of those milestones where I check-in with clients to see if they have made the progress they were anticipating for the goals they set at the beginning of the year. Of course, goal setting can and does happen all year […]

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