Get on-track and reach your 2017 goals.

Reach Your Goals in 7 Simple Steps


Only eight days left in January and only eight days remaining to take advantage of your special promotional price for my online course Reach Your Goals in 7 Simple Steps

If you already have a written plan that is moving you closer towards your 2017 goals each day, then I congratulate you. You are an inspiration to your friends and family. Keep it up!

But, if New Year’s Eve came and went without you putting together a winning action-plan for reaching your goals. Then now is your chance to make one and get going!

My online course follows the seven steps found in my book The Success Habit Secret and in the course I personally walk you through how to create your winning action-plan for success

Regular price for this course is $55.00. But, because you are part of my special newsletter family, it’s only $29.00 until the end of January The course is available through the udemy website and once you have access to it you can use the course over and over again for your next goals.

If you are serious about reaching your goals in 2017, then you’re going to need a solid written plan to get you there. My course will show you step by step how to do that. But don’t wait, January 31st is only eight days away.

BTW, there are several “free preview” lectures that you can view right now. So go ahead, check it out and Reach Your Goals in 7 Simple Steps.

Success Habit Secret at Lulu.comSincerely,
Edward Aldama, MBA
Goal Achievement Coach
Author, The Success Habit Secret
I wish for you all the success that you strive to achieve. 

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