Get focused, create your plan, get on track and stay there!

The Shortest Distance Between You and Your Goals

THE SUCCESS HABIT SECRET: A 21 Day Success Program
A Proven Program for Goal Achievement Success
Order Here at – Only $16.95

Endorsement by Dr. Denis Waitley

“Focus always precedes success. Specific goals become the automatic software programs shaping your future. This book creates a ‘success track’ you can run on to make winning your daily habit, for the rest of your life.”
— Dr. Denis Waitley author The Psychology of Winning.

The secret is to know what you want, why you want it, and have a plan for taking action every day. In these seven simple steps you’ll learn how to focus on what’s most important to you, create a compelling vision to fuel your motivation, and how to develop the Action-Plan to achieve your goal.


Study at your own speed at a time that is convenient for you.

7 Steps DVD7 Simple Steps: A Goal Achievement Program 


DVD, Workbook and Bonus Materials: Now Only $79.95

Follow along as author Edward Aldama personally guides you through creating your individualized Action-Plan for Success.
It’s like experiencing a series of individualized 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Edward, or attending one of his live workshops in Phoenix, Arizona. But, you will go at your own pace.

The workbook contains the 7 Steps, Journal Pages for creating your action steps, Acton-Planner Sheet, inspirational quotes to fire-up your motivation, and other bonus material.

On the DVD you will find video to follow along as author and life coach Edward Aldama explains how to complete each step and guides you through creating your Action-Plan for Success. Workbook and DVD Set.



Here’s a sample of what you will learn.



Goal Achievement is Simply About Three Things…

  • Know exactly what you want.
  • Have a written action-plan to get what you want.
  • Consistently review and follow your plan every day until you get what you want.

DVD, Workbook and Bonus Materials: Now Only $79.95