Do Your Goals Keep You Busy?

Or, are you too busy to work on your goals? We hear it all the time, right? It has almost become a standard greeting. “How are you?” “Oh, you know, I’ve been really busy lately.” Some people are even “super-busy.” Does this sound like you? If so, I’ve got a question for you. Are you […]

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Is SEO a Goal for You?

Time to Check SEO Off Your Goal List Our Linkedin Mastermind Group had the privilege of participating in this class a few month ago and it was Great! I was amazed at how many things I could do to improve search engine optimization for my website YourGreatestSelf. Now, it can be your turn to learn […]

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Attitude Goal

I think a positive attitude is a Great goal. Today I share a HAPPINESS QUOTE from The Happiness Newsletter. Edited by my good friend Lionel R. Ketchian of, The Happiness Club POWER QUOTE: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in […]

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Monday’s Goals are Friday’s Successes!

Right? As a goal achievement coach, I routinely hold weekly reviews with clients. The process we use is to first celebrate the successes of the week before. Then, we talk about what might be changed or added to be more effective. Finally, we talk about what just flat-out didn’t work and what we can do […]

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