The Success Habit Secret: A 21 Day Success Program

Success Jump

The workshop on the Success Habit Secret in July was a big success. Thank you to everyone who was able to join in and participate. We had a great time. In fact, the workshop went so well that it inspired me to review the steps of the Success Habit Secret in this newsletter. Today, I’ll list the steps, then in the following weeks I’ll review each in detail.

The Seven Steps of the 21-Day Success Program

Step One: Clearly Identify the specifics of the goal. 
– Do you really know exactly what you want?

Step Two: Describe why it is important to you.
-What make it so important? How will you feel when you reach it?

Step Three: Identify the repeatable actions needed to reach the goal.
– What actions must you take?

Step Four: Commit to a specific schedule for your actions. 
– When and how often will you take action?

Step Five: Commit to taking action for 21 days 
– Are you willing to create a new winning habit?

Step Six: Review your plan at least 3 times each day. 
– Will you do what it takes to stay focused?

Step Seven: Read your answers to steps 1 and 2 out loud. 
– Use the power of the spoken word to create your new reality.

I wish for you all the success that you strive to achieve.
Edward Aldama

Need help with your written Action Plan?
Get your Free Action-Plan worksheet here. Action-Plan Worksheet

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The Success Habit Secret: A 21-Day Success Program
A simple guide to create your plan for Success!

This book will teach you the seven simple steps anyone can use to make success a repeatable habit in your life. Well known self-help author Dr. Denis Waitley calls the Success Habit Secret: A 21-Day Success Program ” … a ‘success track’ you can run on to make winning your daily habit…”

Let inspiration drive the motivation that will bring you to your aspirations.

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