Today’s Success Habit explains how to have better meetings.
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Success Habit: Have an outcome in mind before the start of every meeting to increase your effectiveness.

Meetings are a great way to share ideas and join resources for accomplishing Great things. Provided we know what we want to accomplish before the start.

If the meeting is between two people or a team of 20, know the reason for the meeting before it ever begins. Whether you’re the leader or a participant, have a list of outcomes you would like to achieve as a result of bringing people together.

Here are a few examples.
> To Brainstorm Ideas for Growth
> To Share an Inspiring Event and Strengthen Relationships
> To Discuss Possibilities for Increasing Customer Satisfaction

Effective meeting always have an agenda to outline what you will discuss, and intended outcomes to understand why.

For help improving your meeting skills, follow the steps in my book The Success Habit Secret. If you don’t have a copy, it’s available on

I wish for you all the success that you strive to achieve.

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