Do want it to be an event or just another meeting?

A Great way to enhance a relationship is to look for opportunities to share common interests and create mutually beneficial outcomes. With the right focus and planning you can make every shared encounter fun and exciting as you strengthen the relationship.

Whether it’s an in-person meeting, a phone call, or an email, take the time to look for common interests and ways to create the win-win. Every opportunity to interact with someone is a chance to find common ground and build a remarkable relationship.

– Focus on the win-win
– Appreciate the others’ viewpoint
– Relationships require two-way sharing

Follow this link to my free article Secret Relationship Habits and learn how you can apply the Three Keys to Remarkable Relationships. The 3 Keys

And, you can easily build a solid Action-Plan for Remarkable Relationship by following the simple 7-step plan in my book, The Success Habit Secret.

For personalized support in creating your plan for Remarkable Relationships call for an Action-Plan Review. (602) 425-5758.

Remarkable Relationships is a section from my February newsletter, follow this link for the full text. Your Greatest Self News

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