Do you plan events to support life balance?

We all have events and obligations in our lives. Some for work, some for family, and others for friends or community. Some events are mandatory and necessary but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them as part of a rich and full life.

– What activities are part of your complete life?
– How can you appreciate the value of each event?
– Can you be thankful and learn to enjoy every activity?

Every meeting and event is a valuable part of the wonder that is your unique life.

See the step-by-step example of balancing life in chapter 10 of my book The Success Habit Secret.

For individual guidance and 1-on-1 support creating your life balance, call and schedule an Action-Plan Review to create your plan of gratitude. Call now (602) 425-5758.

This is the Life Balance Blend section of my February newsletter, for the complete text follow this link.Your Greatest Self News

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