Success Habit: Taking some small action is a Great cure for indecision and procrastination.

Did you notice how early the holiday decorations were at the stores this year? It seems everyone is anxious for the joy and festivities of the holidays to begin. Me too!

So, let me begin by wishing you a very happy holiday season.

Now, about this week’s Success Habit. One of the most common areas clients want help with is overcoming procrastination. Luckily, it’s easier than most people think. Movement creates momentum. And, momentum keeps us moving. Whenever you feel stuck, identify one small action that you can take to get yourself moving, and take it. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to just – get started.

There are dozens of Great quotes on procrastination. Here are two of my favorites. Take a moment and share some of yours with me.

Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday. ~Author Unknown

The best way to get something done is to begin. ~Author Unknown

For other ideas and support for overcoming procrastination, let’s schedule a session. Together we’ll create a simple plan to keep you moving in the direction of your goals every day! Call now, (602) 424-5758, or send me an Email.

I wish for you all the success that you strive to achieve.
Edward Aldama
Certified Life/Business Coach, author: The Success Habit Secret

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