Woo-hoo! I’m off to Monday Morning Mastermind! Time to get this week started on the right track. What about you?
What is your goal, exactly?
What are the details of your goal? How specific is your description? Does it create excitement and enthusiasm.
Well, did you reach your Goal?
Your Success Habits can’t help but move you closer to your goals.
Monday’s Goal — Success by Friday!
Motivation and goal setting are closely tied together. Without adequate motivation, goal achievement becomes more difficult.
What motivates you to reach your goals?
Video on motivation and goals, from TEDxSF.
Short Week — Big Goals
Well, now that the long holiday weekend has passed it’s time to get this week revved up. We didn’t have a Mastermind Monday, but we can still plan out our goals for the week and target where we want to be by Friday. “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When […]
The Mastermind and Your Goals
Are you in a mastermind group? The term mastermind group is generally attributed to Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich and The Law of Success, who wrote this to explain the idea. “A Mastermind is a unique concept that leverages the collective power of the group, creating a Third Mind.” One way it […]
More Insights on Your Positive Self Talk
Do you talk yourself towards or away from your goals?
What’s Are Your “Trigger” Words?
Words can lift you up or move you away from your goals. Happify.com is one of my favorite websites for positive reinforcement. This article is a Great reminder to watch our words. As you know, Step 7 in my Success Habit Secret process is all about using words to inspire you and charge up your […]
Another Monday, Another Week of Goals
Are you planning to win at your goals this week?