Do you feel more loved? I trust your Valentine’s Day was a huge success, filled with special moments, joy and tenderness. As with all the holidays that remind us to be mindful of those in our lives, my wish is that the feelings of love linger throughout the entire year. Be grateful, be happy!
January 22, 2015: Do you know where your goals are?
Keep those New Year resolutions on-track! Well, I’ve seen plenty of posting and articles that say, by now you have missed, forgotten, or failed at your New Year resolution. I trust that is not true. My belief is that you; Have your goals written down. Review your goals every single day. Celebrate the successes along the […]
Are You Positive You Will Reach Your Goal?
Expecting to reach your goal will stack the odds in favor of you reaching it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here in America, we are celebrating a Day of Thanks. I wish all the best for those of you who are enjoying this holiday. I’m very grateful to live in a country where we set aside a whole day to practice and share, an attitude of gratitude. May you look for and find a reason […]
Goal Check: Gratitude
America’s Thanksgiving day holiday is quickly approaching, so I thought I would share some news on the benefits of being grateful.
How do you see the obstacles to your goal?
A positive view can be helpful versus a limiting view when working towards a goal.
Do You See Them? –Goals!
On Monday… we can feel the excitement of reaching our goals or the satisfaction of being that much closer to them.
Mid-Week Goal Check
For those who are familiar with my 7 Step Goal Achievement process, they know how important and valuable it is to review our goals. How are your weekly goals going? Are you half way there, or better?
How Do You Track Your Goals?
If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it. If you want to reach your goal, you have to know where it is and how to reach it.
Get Fired Up and Reach Your Goals?
What’s Your Power Movie, Song, Quote? I often ask coaching clients to find a song, quote or movie that stirs their emotions in a positive way. I believe that emotions drive and support our motivations. So, I tell clients to find their power song, quote or movie and keep it handy. That way, when they […]